Savannah State University is celebrating the generosity of its alumni and community partners who have donated more than $2 million to impact student success. From left: Dr. William T. Simmons, chairman of SSU Foundation Board; President of SSU Kimberly Ballard-Washington; and Dr. Shalonda Mullgrav, interim vice president of advancement and external affairs. Savannah State University (SSU) is celebrating the generous financial contributions of its alumni and community partners who have donated more than $2 million to support student scholarships, programmatic needs and career development. To recognize these significant gifts, multiple check presentations took place inside T.A. Wright Stadium during the university’s annual Homecoming game. “Thank you to all those who have so generously given to invest in Savannah State University students,” said President Kimberly Ballard-Washington. “These donations are a true reflection of the ongoing loyalty and support of our dedicated alumni an...
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