From left: Harry Chaney, General Manager of Chatham Parkway Toyota, Alma Pittman, Co-owner of Pittman Enterprises, Savannah State University President Kimberly Ballard-Washington, Dr. Shalonda Mullgrav, Interim Vice President for University Advancement and External Affairs, and Darryl Piner, Chief Financial Officer of Pittman Enterprises. Savannah State University is the recipient of a $20,000 donation from Pittman Enterprises, the parent company of Chatham Parkway Motors. A check presentation ceremony was recently held to celebrate the gift, which President Kimberly Ballard-Washington proudly accepted on behalf of the university. "We are so grateful to receive this gift from Pittman Enterprises," said President Ballard-Washington. Having organizations recognize the good that is going on with our students and the opportunity that exists to help them further themselves is a wonderful thing, and we are very appreciative for the dedication they have to higher education." ...
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