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Meet Savannah State University Student Government Association President Katelyn Green

 Who is Katelyn Green? Where’s your hometown?


I am a senior, chemistry major. I grew up in Macon, Ga. with my parents and my two younger brothers.


What groups are you involved in at Savannah State?


I am an American Chemical Society Scholar, and a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and Sisters Striving for Excellence. In addition to being SGA president, I am assisting the Presidential Search Committee to select the next SSU President and I worked as a peer tutor.


What do you do in your spare time?


I played sports in high school and I’m still very active. I like to hike, and I like to get out in nature.


Why did you choose SSU?


I wanted to study at an HBCU because I thought I would feel more comfortable stepping out and taking on big roles like SGA president if I was surrounded by people who look like me. I had an older cousin who went to SSU, but I actually never stepped on campus until I showed up for freshman year. Staying in state also allowed me to use my HOPE scholarship to pay for college so SSU checked all the boxes.


How did you get involved in student government?


I was senior class president at my high school and when I got to SSU freshman year I set a goal to become president of the SSU SGA too. But I had to work my way up. Sophomore year I became sophomore class secretary. Junior year I moved up to executive secretary and finally, I reached my goal when I was elected SGA president.


Why did you want to join student government?


I’ve always been able to talk to adults. I’m not timid about talking to the administration and being the voice for students to say what others are afraid to say. It’s not comfortable for me, but my daddy always said you have to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.


What are your goals for this year?


I have three goals: increase campus collaboration among groups, boost spirit and morale and increase retention. We lost a lot of the connections we used to have during Covid. I want to bring back the hype at games. I want to bring awareness to the whole campus about all the different groups and activities we have and let them know they are open to working with everyone. I want to make everyone feel welcome and not out of place. I think if we do this, students will want to stay here, and they’ll be dedicated to giving back to the school when they are alumni.


What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?


The first thing I tell them is get out of your room, talk to someone and join something. I was actually going to leave SSU after one semester but then I joined the tennis team. The more I got to know people the more it helped me find my place. I also tell them to never stop trying for something you really want. I decided freshman year that I wanted to be SGA president and now here I am. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with the best people you can and you can do it.


What do you want to do after graduation?


I would like to work as a pharmacist in a community pharmacy. I like helping people and talking to people and I think working in a pharmacy will help me stay connected to my community.


Do you have any plans to continue public office after college?


The world is changing so I’m not sure what I will do as an adult, but I don’t mind campaigning, so we’ll see.


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